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Stories about Arman

If you have a story that you would like to share,
please send it to us via our "contact" page.

Name: Joyce

Just wanted to say the tribute to Arman (my nephew) is awesome. Arde just want to tell you to hold your head up you and Ronda were good parents you raised a very mannerly son. The last time I saw him was when he and his brother came to Florida for his mother's ordination and we had dinner together with his grandfather. It's gonna to be hard but God will wipe away your tears; yall will have to lean and depend on each other to see you thru this difficult time. (Aunt Joyce) Jacksonville, Florida


Name: Friend from High School

I had the great pleasure of knowing Arman since freshman year of high school. He was the funniest person I have ever known and he would always make the day better. Whether it was discussing basketball and his love for the Lakers or insisting Adrian Peterson was the best back in the league he was a joy to be around. Arman will be missed by everyone he crossed paths with and most certainly everyday by me. What a loss this is... I 'm praying for you buddy.

Name: Anton

From the first time I met Arman I immediately recognized the fact that he is a very intelligent person. Arman and I would get into discussions ranging from the current state of the middleweight and light heavyweight division in boxing to the competition levels for jobs at the Federal Reserve Bank. I was always used to the fact that my level of knowledge in sports, especially boxing as well as finance and investments, are rarely challenged. But Arman was able to do just that, and within minutes he was able to share information I was not even closely aware of. Arman also had an interesting take on challenges in meeting women, especially professional women who had already graduated college and went on to develop their careers, but this is a story for another day :)


Name: Farris

Arman had this photo shoot coming up, plus he had spoken to me about the girl that was going to shoot him in the woods. Like most things unrelated to anything important, I played along because typically it would be entertaining to me and a good story. As the shoot started and the sun was approaching sunset, he awkwardly asked the photographer (Sophia DiBartolomeo) to put lotion on his back; where she responded with a chuckle, hell no. So Arman turns his head towards me and gives me a cheeky grin. You know, the grin where he's about to step away from his comfort zone but with full confidence? Then he hesitantly asks, could you.. NOOO WAAAY am I doing that I quickly answered. Where Sophia and I went back and forth for 30 seconds saying who should do it. Given she was in the woods with two men, also doing Arman a favor, I figured why not, it can't be so bad. But this is where I knew I would then troll him and take advantage of how awkward I can make him feel. So I "hesitantly" agreed to do it. Knowing the lotion was cold I threw a solid blob on my and then some on his upper shoulders; giving Arman goosebumps. During this time I decided to take advantage of the fact that this was just so weird for the both of us. So I made it as weird as I could. Complimenting him on how firm his back was (knowing he took pride in specifically his back) explaining how detailed his muscles were, loudly enough for Sophia to hear where she began to question our sexual preferences. Continuing to rub lotion on his back I then began to use two hands to further the uncomfortableness he was enduring. Then I told him to turn around and to let me do him from the front where he looked at me, smiled laughed and said, "nah nah I got this chill bruh." Where we finished up the photo shoot with many more awkward situations; given I was taking advantage of the fact that he was self conscience about his body and I was starring at him purposefully. We laughed so much that day and so many more after that. -FG


Name: Dj

When Arman and I weren't busy discussing any and everything in the universe, we were hanging with our various groups of friends. For awhile Arman started growing his hair out and letting his sideburns get wild. He had come to my house with our friend Dashawn, who was interested in getting a hair cut. Since my mother is a hair dresser, and I've buzzed a few heads in my day, I figured I could fix Dashawn up. So he sits down gets comfortable and tells me he wants half a Mohawk. Arman and I are both like wtf, cracking up we finally get it together and I get to work. So I cut a pretty decent (if I don't say so myself) Mohawk for Dashawn, totally satisfifed he's cheesin, and Arman then decides he wants to trim his out of control sideburns (think ragged jcole hair cut before it was cool, obviously because Arman was ahead of his time) but any way, Dashawn is all like " my dad is a barber, I've done this before, trust me" Reluctantly, Arman agrees. He sits down, not fully comfortable, and right before Dashawn flips the buzzer on, Arman goes " ok bro, just a slight shape up, clean , you know?" Dashawn goes "relaxxxxx I got this" And sure enough he didn't. Dashawn completely shaved the sideburns right off the side of Armans head. So he's sitting there no sure how to react, thinking that everything is cool, I'm losing it, because I know what's about to go down. And Arman walks to the mirror..... "Yo Barry what the f!" We're dieing laughing, and Arman is freaking out. We talked about this story at least every few weeks, and he never let Dashawn live down that moment..... Thanks for providing this space for us, and thank you for raising such an inspirational individual that I will continue to look up to. Love and miss you bro, you will always be that damn dude.


Name: Maureen Cropper

I would like to express my deepest condolences to you and your family at the loss of your son Arman. He would have been a fine economist, and he was most respected by his peers.


Name: Sandy

Arman is (not going to say was) my cousin I didn't know him personally, but the times I was around him I remember his humor and that sly cute smile that I told him as a child would be a "lady killer."  I will always remember that sly smile and him and his brother Avery whispering and giggling at family events in the corner off to themselves. Your Soul will LIP (Live in Peace) I will miss you Arman 😘 Sandy


Name: Audrey

Aside from having the ability to make an entire room laugh, Arman was very compassionate and understanding. He was extremely intelligent and only saw the greatest potential in every one of his close friends and family. Many years ago, I met Arman through my older brother, Ryan. They were very close friends and through that, Arman and I formed our own friendship; and I am so happy that we did. One of the first times Arman and I hung out was at a mutual friend’s house, he turned to me and said “Hey, your brother tells me you’ve been going through a lot recently, I just want you to know that you can talk to me whenever you would like.” I remember being surprised by this because he was known as the funny guy, and not the sensitive type. But from then on, he had always been someone I would turn to whenever I needed to talk about anything, whether it was a personal matter or not. He was a great listener and offered his very best advice. He was never judgmental and always kind-hearted. I could list the endless amounts of funny stories we had shared together, but instead this is the memory I choose to hold close to my heart as time moves on.


Name: Jonathon

Let me tell you about the first time I met Arman. I was at my locker getting my textbooks in order for the first day of high school. My friend Dan walked over to me and said “Hey Jon, do you want to meet my friend Arman?” I said, “Yeah sure!” Then like a flash of light I see this skinny kid with a huge afro dart over and bite down on Dan’s arm, who then yelled, “Ouch!!” I was instantly taken aback by what just occurred and no sooner than when happened that Arman just ran off. I then asked Dan, “What the heck was that??” and he responded that it was just Arman being Arman.

Name: Corey

To say Arman was always the life of the party is an understatement. Having Arman there meant you knew nobody would be bored, there would be no dull moments. One night in particular I always look back was new years eve 2008. Arman, Spencer and I decided it would be a great idea to go sneak into his grandmas beach house for the night and 'party'. So, at 11pm, the three of us jumped in Spencer's truck and toured down the Garden State Parkway, excited about the night we would have to ourselves. We arrive, right around midnight, and as we exit the car, the cold hard reality hits us, it's dead of winter, it's 15 degrees out, the wind almost induces frostbite on our ears and noses. "Uhh, you don't think your grandma leaves the heat on here over the winter, right?" We all knew the answer to that question. Inside the house, it's no warmer than 55 degrees. Alcohol! alcohol will help warm us, so we each pour a tiny glass of whiskey, just enough to make us feel like part of the new years celebration, but not too much that Spencer's grandma will notice anything missing. We sit there, confused and cold, asking ourselves why we ever thought this was a good idea. That's when I'm flipping through the TV channel guide and on the screen flashes "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air". Arman screams in joy and promptly declares that we will now be watching this for the rest of the night. Every. Single. Word. Arman knew every word, to every episode that played that night. He was a master of the Carlton dance. We danced and sang along to Fresh Prince until 5 am when we called it a night, and headed back home to our warm beds. I will always remember that New Years Eve, because Arman took a failed trip, and turned it into one of the most fun nights of my life. I'll always carry the memories we had together, and will strive to live my life with as much liveliness and passion as Arman did.

Name: John

Arman... Or should I say Carmelo Casanova ! Dj and I thought of you first to take on the role of our "Super-Star" project - too get in the scene of the rich and famous. You were perfect to embody this main role of the center of the room. This was fueled by dreams of being the cool kids or the people that everyone loved. None of us were any of that back in high school, maybe that's what subconsciously drove the idea of Mr. Casanova. The plan fell through, and that was that. Although now, more than any one realizes - I assure you, both, DJ and I wish that the plan hadn't. Why... If we had succeeded... What life would you be living now? This was one of the first things I thought of, and now I just wonder.

Name: Jen

I am so saddened to learn tonight of Arman's passing. I met Arman in middle school when we were running around avoiding Mr. C as we waited for our bus. Every day we were supposed to wait in the cafeteria after school- but we would sneak out with the car riders and hope to not be caught! Arman and I became friends in and for these moments. I remember how accepting and kind he was to everyone he came in contact with- and of course how hard he always made me laugh. Over time we lived states apart and lost touch. Now I am a teacher at Darnell, and each day when I walk past the old bus loading zones- I think of Arman and smile. Tonight I decided to try to find him on Facebook so we could catch up and joke about our middle school selves. I am so saddened to learn that he is no longer with us, and I am so happy to get the chance to walk daily in the hallways we once walked down, remembering all the smiles we had. Rest well, old friend.

Name: Ted

I knew Arman as a teenager. His characteristics that stood out to me were, his open mindedness and friendly, accepting nature. He had a respectfulness about him that was very natural and warm. But he was still inquisitive and wanted figure everything out for himself. Back in the video gaming days, Arman and I had many frenetic shooter battles that ended fun, win or loose. Tag team wrestling matches were a light hearted, blast, and a good calorie burn. His short time was a positive influence on me and everyone. You will not be forgotten, Arman.


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